Thursday, October 31, 2019

John Edwards (Redeployment in Iraq) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

John Edwards (Redeployment in Iraq) - Essay Example A recent survey finds two in three Democrats believe the war is already lost and a serious criticism about the adventure of America's war against terrorism in Iraq is evident from the public side as well.1 President George W. Bush started the U.S.-Iraq War, led by the United States against the regime of Saddam Hussein, the authoritarian leader of Iraq in 2003. He explained that the goals of the war were to "disarm Iraq [and] to free its people." The initial reports of CIA and the Pentagon had demonstrated that Iraq possessed nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and these weapons were a serious threat to the world peace. But, after the Saddam regime has been overthrown and Saddam crucified, there is still no evidence of any such weapons of mass destruction and the public now doubts whether the goals stated by the Bush administration were really true or there were some other intentions that caused to start a war in the name of fight against terrorism and which has proved futile and fruitless. Over the years, more than 2,400 American military personnel have been killed and 18,000 wounded. The financial losses of this war are also dismal with more than $300 billion having been spent in this war and yet the war has not made the United States safer as promised to the American people. That is why; the people now are demanding immediate withdrawal of the American forces from Iraq. Among the advocates of withdrawal, there are the Democrats like John Deutch and Republicans like William Buckley.2 The Problem: From the above surveys, I can conclude that the majority of Americans does not believe in the success, intentions and goals of the U.S. - Iraq war. Besides the public opinion, there are some statistics that show the Bush Administration is not only suffering criticism on its policies, the Bush Administration's mistake in Iraq - invading for the wrong reasons and without enough troops to secure the country - have left the United States with no good options. The prolonged deployment of U.S ground forces in Iraq has resulted in increased suicide terrorism and the Iraq people now see the United States as an occupier rather than a savior. The invasion and occupation of Iraq has made terrorist threat worse than before. And coupled with Bush's disdain for managing shifting geopolitical balances to create a stable strategic environment in the Middle East, the Iraq War has weakened America's regional position in multiple ways.3 Thus, I would like to draw your attention about the actual problem that has caused a setback for the United States. From the facts mentioned above, it seems clear that the prolonged deployment of the American troops has negatively impacted the overall performance of the personnel at other fronts like Afghanistan and the probable action against Iran. Since the previous year, Al-Qaida has re-organized itself in Afghanistan and has gained control over many strategically important places. Similarly, there is instability in the bordering areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan where suicide attacks on the forces have become a common phenomenon and these attacks have negative psychological affects demoralizing the personnel deployed in the country. The war in Iraq has in fact caused the virtual isolation of the United States in the International community and the earlier supporters of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Memories of childhood in Looking For Dad Essay Example for Free

Memories of childhood in Looking For Dad Essay Memories from our childhoods are often remembered for the rest of our lives. They can range from small things like playing in the park or a birthday party to important milestones such as a first kiss or the first day of school. Now matter how small or insignificant these events seemed at the time, they will be treasured for ever and looked back on as some of the best times of your life. The memories are normally reminders of good times and the joys of childhood. But for some people, their childhoods are looked back on in sadness and remorse. In the poems Looking For Dad, My Grandmother and The Sick Equation, the narrators explore the darker sides of childhood. Each poem tells a different story, but are all about tragic memories from shattered childhoods that will scar forever. Looking For Dad is about a boy whos father leaves home. I think the author chose the title because not only does it explain the main theme of the poem, but the phrase looking for maybe refers to the soul searching the boy has to do while looking for what is missing in his life. When reading the poem, you notice that it is written in quite an upbeat tone even though it is obviously a sad poem. I think the narrator has done this because the poem is from a childs perspective. The main themes of this poem are dis-functionality and grief. Lines such as I had not tidied up my room, because I was too full of gloom and hope he will come back soon clearly show the despair that is put across by the narrator. Another theme of the poem is self-denial. The narrator doesnt want to face up to the fact that his dad has gone. Dad was hidden beneath the things Id been given and flying about my underwear but could not find him anywhere are two quotes that show that the character still believes his dad is still apart of his life even thought it is obvious he is not. The fact that he dreamt about his dad not being with him anymore shows that sub-consciously he knows his dad has gone forever and isnt going to return. The character believes that his dad simply vanished because he didnt tidy his room. At the end of the poem it says hope he will come back soon and admire my very tidy room. This shows the self-blame the character has put upon his conscience and how he now regrets taking his father for granted. The structure of the poem is strange. It has a nursery rhyme feel to it and this feel good rhythm doesnt really fit in with the other wise sombre mood of the poem. This could however represent the fact that the poem is seen through a childs eyes and he maybe does not fully understand what is going on around him. The quick feel to the poem is mainly down to the fact that it has a loose rhyming scheme and short lines. The Sick Equation is also written by Brian Patten. It is about a broken home and tells us how the narrator has been scarred for life due to his home situation. The title of the poem can be looked at in many different ways. I feel the author chose this title because people often think an equation will be confusing and complex. This is exactly what the narrators life is like. He may also have chosen to use the word equation because it can represent that when all these different factors are added together there can only be one outcome. Unlike Looking For Dad, the rhythm of this poem is slow and the lines are a lot longer with no real flow. One of the themes represented in this poem is isolation. With his parents fighting all the time, the narrator was convinced that it is better to stay one. The narrator decided to grow up alone and if anyone tried to get close to him he would make sure they quickly disappeared. The phrase I came to believe how it was best, that one remained one not onl y backs up my point, but also shows that he is maybe scared of love. Another theme which is shows quite a lot in this poem is regret. As the poem goes along, you can slowly notice how the narrator changes his attitude towards love. In the first paragraph, lines such as For by becoming two, one at least would suffer so shows that he is strongly against being loved or loving anyone at all. In the final stanza the line I am better off for knowing now, that given love, by taking love all can in time refute proves that the narrators mood towards love has changed dramatically as he has now learnt that not all love is painful. The second stanza really shows regret and anger. Believing this I threw away so many gifts- I never let love stay long enough to take roots but by thinking myself of too little worth, I crushed all its messengers. It shows that the narrator feels he has missed out on so much and is angry that he didnt learn his lesson sooner. I was wrong of course, just as  those who brought me up were wrong is another quote that shows anger and rese ntment towards his childhood, in particularly the way his parents brought him up. I grew or did not grow is a phrase that shows that the narrator feels that while he was un-loved, he could not grow as a person. It could also mean he thinks he has missed out on his childhood and started off with the harsh feelings only and adult could understand and no child should have to feel. And as you cannot grow past being an adult, in that sense he has not grown. The narrator also tells of how even a new couple cannot possibly, in his mind, escape the shadow of divorce. When conveying this view, he makes reference to an albatross. This could also have different meanings. The most obvious meaning that springs to mind is because the albatross has the biggest wing span, it would create a huge shadow over any marriage. But a more in depth analysis could link the albatross back to the poem Rhyme of the ancient mariner. The tone of the poem is a lot more depressing than the first poem. The structure is also cleverly devised by the author. The first stanza has a disorganised and erratic rhyme scheme which represents the confusion and disorder in the narrators life. But as the poem progresses, a more organised rhyme pattern starts to appear and the emergence of rhyming couplets maybe shows the narrators life is calming down and becoming more organised. The narrator also uses irony when he says home, sweet home. The final poem I studied was My Grandmother. This poem is about the narrators grandmother. The title was chosen mainly because it explains what the poem is about. The word my may seem small and unimportant, but when people are proud of something they often emphasise and make it known they are linked with the person or object by using this technique. For example, when people use the phrase Thats my boy it is a way of saying, hes with me and I want everyone to know. The title could therefore mean the narrator is proud of his Grandmother and wants everyone to know this. Once again the main theme of this poem is regret. I remember how I once refused, to go out with her, since I was afraid and Though she never said, that she was hurt, I could still feel the guilt are phrases that back up this point. Another theme of the poem is isolation and loneliness. She kept an antique shop   or it kept her and She watched her own reflection is the brass are quotes that show the Grandmother was lonely and obviously didnt have any close friends or family. I think the use of an antique shop is meant to represent old age. When reading the poem, you notice it is quite fast and up beat. This is because of the rhyme scheme A, B, A, B, C, C, which is used in each stanza. The poem also uses iambic pentameter. This gives it a quick tempo and makes it free flowing. The speed of the poem is again in contrast with the themes of the poem. This is maybe due to the fact that the narrator admits when she died, I felt no grief at all. This means that the narrator has nothing to be sad about and therefore keeps the poem quite up beat. Each stanza tells a different part of the story and the first and third stanzas are explaining events, where as the second and fourth and primarily about the feelings of the narrator. Each of these poems outlines different experiences of childhood. Looking For Dad talks about divorce and separation, The Sick Equation discusses the affects of domestic arguments and My Grandmother is about the death of a loved one. But the themes that are constantly mentioned in all the poems are regret and isolation. This shows that maybe bad memories are more memorable than the good ones and the scars left by these experiences will always remain fresh in the minds of the characters

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Solar Energy Versus Nuclear Energy Engineering Essay

Solar Energy Versus Nuclear Energy Engineering Essay The sun has been around since the beginning of time but only recently has it been used as a source of renewable energy. Approximately 120000 TW of solar energy is absorbed by the Earths surface which is equal to 10000 times the total global demand for energy. Only 0.1% of this energy would be required to satisfy the worlds present consumption of fuels.[1] Break down of solar energy[2] There are three main ways to harness the suns energy. These include solar cells which convert sunlight directly into electricity. Solar water heating where heat from the sun is used to heat water inside panels on roof tops. And lastly solar furnaces that make use of mirrors to concentrate the suns energy into a small space to produce high temperatures. There are close to 440 nuclear power plants in the world today which supply 16% of the worlds energy demand, however only 1% is useable energy with the rest being nuclear waste. If 1% of the area where there is recoverable energy utilised solar energy devices all the worlds energy needs could be met with solar energy alone. If 10% of the area were to be utilised then in two years the electricity produced would be equal to all known reserves of fossil fuels.[1] Cost problems with solar energy are the high capital costs involved in the installation of solar panels which can be very expensive. The need to store energy because of solar availability due to factors such as time of day and weather conditions is also costly. Countries at higher altitudes with daily cloud cover will have an economic disadvantage due to long distance transfer of energy. Maintenance of panels also has to be considered. Nuclear energy is presently cheaper than solar power however the construction of the facilities and the disposal of radioactive waste is costly and can affect the environment.[3] Solar power is relatively safe to use as long as you do not look directly into the suns rays or come into contact with hot solar panels. In the case of nuclear power it is also safe to use as the nuclear reactors are equipped with redundant systems to make sure there is no nuclear meltdown. This makes it a very stable energy source. Nuclear energy starts to get more dangerous in the form of spent fuel rods and radioactive waste. Even though nuclear energy is reliable and stable as a whole, when something does go wrong it can become very serious and very dangerous. Solar energy does not have any form of waste as replaced panels and components can be reused or recycled. Nuclear energy has two types of waste products, the spent fuel rods which if not stored properly in pools of water to cool down could become very unstable. The other form is radioactive gasses and other waste products that if released into the atmosphere can pose various risks. Solar energy produces no waste or pollution. Waste from nuclear power must be sealed and stored underground for long periods of time. This waste must be kept safe from external factors and from human contact in order to prevent a threat. Such a threat is currently under way at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan where a pool of spent fuel rods caught fire this year. Solar power is a renewable power source therefore it is environmentally friendly. It is silent and requires no fuel therefore there is no pollution. It even decreases the amount of harmful green house gasses. Although there are many advantages to solar energy there is still the fact that a large amount of panels is required to produce the needed electricity. This becomes very costly. It is reliable and has no risks that are associated with nuclear energy. Nuclear energy on the other hand is not a renewable source and if not handled in the correct way could impact the environment in a negative way. Even though it does not contribute to global warming like other fossil fuels, the waste gasses it does produce could potentially cause radioactive sicknesses and cancer in humans and other life forms. Advantages Solar Energy Nuclear Energy Renewable energy source Does not emit green house gasses Has no volatile waste Plenty of resources available Once panels are in place the energy is free Cheaper than solar power Disadvantages Solar Energy Nuclear Energy Does not work at night Radioactive waste Currently very expensive Long-term storage required for waste products Requires big fields in order to harvest a suitable amount of energy Some reactors produce plutonium which can be used to make nuclear weapons All around the world we require every energy source that we can get including nuclear. All energy sources have both pros and cons. Even though nuclear energy is portrayed as an unstable source of energy it is in fact one of the most reliable and stable types in the world today. The downside is in its waste that if treated incorrectly could land in the hands of terrorists. In the next 20 years there will be emerging economies throughout the globe that will require low cost, environmentally friendly alternative energy sources and Nuclear power is expected to satisfy this demand. [1] Botkin,B.Keller,E.A.2001.Enviromental Science:Earth as a living planet.4th ed.Santa Barbara:John Wiley and Sons. [2] Breakdown_of_the_incoming_solar_energy.[Online].Available: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½[2011,March 23] [3] Solar Energy.[Online].Available:[2011,March 23]

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience 1. What conclusion can be drawn regarding the quote, â€Å"Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient†? A. Government is the necessary evil that is merely convenient on the short run; however, a majority of governments are not beneficial toward the people and it fails to pertain to the service of the community. B. No individual should sacrifice their moral principles in return for unjust circumstances implemented amongst federal government. C. In a democracy, the most virtuous and thoughtful group are regarded their desires rather than the majority group. D. Thoreau illustrates the importance of asserting ethical principles, rather than government policy. 2. Which of the following would be the best example of a paradox? A. â€Å"He who gives himself entirely to his fellow-men appears to them useless and selfish; but he who gives himself partially to them is pronounced a benefactor and philanthropist.† B. "A drab of state, a cloth-o'-silver slut, To have her train borne up, and her soul trail in the dirt." C. â€Å" speak practically and as a citizen, unlike those who call themselves no-government men† D. "I am too high-born to be propertied, To be a secondary at control,† 3. What conclusion can be drawn on Thoreau’s perspective of soldiers? A. They are symbolic heroic figures that participate in ethical principles. B. They comply to government laws in order preserve the services we enjoy today. C. A product of the government that doesn’t exercise moral sense. D. The good citizens of our nation that are predominantly responsible for the freedom we are granted. 4. Which of the following would be a best example of ... ... with their bodies.† D. â€Å"In their practice, nations agree with Paley; but does anyone think that Massachusetts does exactly what is right at the present crisis?† 14. What statements support Thoreau’s interpretation of â€Å"Civil Disobedience†? A. He interprets â€Å"Civil Disobedience† as a willful resistance to disobey hypocritical laws implemented by the government. B. The Emancipation Proclamation of slaves in 1862 C. Making amends with former adversaries/rivalries D. Establishing the most desirable government with extreme regulations and laws intact. 15. What motive is there in Thoreau’s theories? A. To establish an idea of how individuals should generally behave within our society. B. To persuade the readers to rebel against the United States C. To inform readers about the injustices of the Mexican War. D. To inform readers about the injustices of slavery

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein by Mary Shelley” Essay

Robert Walton writes numerous letters to his sister, who is presently in England about his endeavors at the North Pole. He is currently stuck as the water has since been overridden by ice, making it impossible for him and his crew to continue his dangerous mission. Although his progress was positive at the beginning, he is now unable to move forward because of the ice. It is during this period that the captain meets with Victor, who has been weakened by the ice and is almost dead of cold. Walton the nurses Victor back to health, and hears the tale about the monster that victor has created. Victor, who is a brilliant man, has discovered the secret of life itself and had consequently created his own monster, but as a result of his actions, he fears that the monster will ruin the lives of the people he cares about as well as his. Character Development, Victor, his Father and the Monster                   At the beginning, Victor is an innocent loving boy who is full of life and surrounded by loved ones. As a young boy, he lives with his father, plays with his brother and friend and also loves his future wife Elizabeth. The turn of events occurs when victor’s brilliance in chemistry and his curiosity about life forces him to reanimate a dead body. Throughout the novel, victor changes step by step and the grief he encounters due to the loss of loved ones fuel his heart with hate and remorse. From a young scientist filled with prospects of great future to a guilt-ridden man filled with anger and revenge. As a young boy, victor spent his youth in Geneva. His life as a young person was fulfilling with the loving accompany of his loving sister Elizabeth and his best friend Henry. Upon being of age, Victor enrolls at the University of Ingolstadt, where he studies chemistry and natural philosophy. Being a curios and brilliant person, he is overwhelmed by the unknown knowledge of life and, therefore, revolts his life to finding the true origin of life. Victor then spends his whole time in research with the hope to discover the secret of life. After many years of research, he is able to discover the basics of life. According to (Janowitz and William 938), Victor’s ambition to create life blinds the moral obligations that he should have felt about creating a monster without human emotion and characteristics. Notable, Victor does not evaluate the consequences that might arise as a result of his action. He just spends time creating a creature with the knowledge that he has gained. He uses dead parts of a human body to put together the creature and reanimates him later. The creature, however, does not look as appealing as he expected. The sight of him fills Victor with horror and disgust. Victor is disappointed with his work and becomes contemptuous of the creature. With the creature trying to understand the meaning of the behavior being exhibited by his creator, victor becomes more afraid and runs from him scared and remorseful. According to Vargo (417) the use of dead parts to create a living thing sheds message that the expected creation would not behavior like a normal person. Victor should have recognized that his endeavor would only lead to more death. After creation of the monster, he feels remorseful and decides to return home. Woolley (46) observes that his wish to return home would maybe reconnect him after losing touch with humanity. So, he decides that since the monster has disappeared, he should also return to his family to nurse his remorse and poor health back to normal. However, victor receives an unexpected letter from his father explaining that his brother has been murdered. Victor now rushes home, remorseful as ever to support his family at this moment of grief. As he is about to arrive, he sees the monster he created looming the woods where is brother was killed. With this knowledge, Victor believes that the monster must have killed him. To make matters worse, Victor arrives to find that his adopted sister, a gentle and kind person, is being accused of the crime that his monster dis. She is consequently executed although Victor knows the real murderer. Victor now grows more remorseful and guilty for his actions becaus e he knows that his actions have led t the death of two of his beloved ones. According to 5865, this is the point where Victor begins to get sense of the consequences of his actions. He created death, so death follows him. Levine (490) notes that people tend to run away from their actions’ outcomes after they see that they are not desirable. Instead of dealing with the situation, Victor grief overpowers him and he is unable to withstand the sorrow at his home at Geneva. He decides that it is best to stay away from home by taking a vacation in the mountains; since he knows that the monster is probably tracking him; he knows that by staying away from home the monster would also follow him, and leave the family alone. While at the mountains, the monster approaches Victor and tries to beg for attention. It is evident that the monster is disappointed by the fact that Victor left it after creation. He admits to killing Victor’s brother, and asks that Victor understand his reasons. He says that the death of Victor’s brother William was a payback for leaving him to rot. With this, he asks victor to create another one like him so that he can be happy around someone who understood him, and w ho would not abandon him like Victor did. He says; â€Å"‘I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me. My companion must be of the same species and have the same defects. This being you must create'† (Shelley and Maurice 129). His action of acting god, which is pure inhumanness, haunts him from the moment he creates the monster. His obsession to act as a creator finally ruins his life as well as the lives of the people that he cares about. Eventually, Victor changes from a human with feelings to become a person without feelings just as the creature that he created. The basics of human feeling are family and friends. The monster, seeing that victor does not care about him, sought to make him like he is, in an effort to make Victor understand the situation of being in solitude. With this, Victor falls for the monsters please and weighs the odds of creating a second monster, and refuses to grant the creature his wish to have a companion. However, the monster pleads and persuades him until he agrees to make the second, female monster to act as a companion to the first monster. He takes his friend Henry and return to England to prepare the necessary materials and information required for the creation of the female monster. Victor starts the work at a secluded island in company of the monster and is almost done when he feels that his actions are against moral expectations. He, therefore, destroys his progress attracting an outrage from the monster who in turn vows to destroy everything he loves. He even swears to kill Victor’s lover during his wedding night. In this, it is evident that Victor realized and regained his moral ground way too late. At this point, he will have to endure consequences for his actions (Vargo 419). The fist revenge the monster has on victor is killing of his best friend, Henry. When Victor travels to dump the remains of the second monster, He returns in the morning only to be arrested and accused of murdering his own friend. This occurrence finally drives victor to the edge. Losing his humanity is the only thing preventing Victor from becoming the monster he has created (Choice Reviews Online 32). He realizes that Henry was killed by the monster after the fallout they had the previous day. Although he denies having killed his friend, Victor is imprisoned for the time being as investigations are conducted. Overcome by grief of losing the people that he loved the most due to the consequences of his actions, Victor falls sick in the prisons where he is nursed back to health and acquitted. At this point, Victor returns with his father to Geneva, and marries the woman he loves, Elizabeth. (Woolley 50) notes that Elizabeth and Victor’s father are the only things holding him from truly becoming a monster. The monster knows that killing Victor wife would bring them closer. However, although he still remembers the words of the monster about visiting him on his wedding night and sends his bride away to avoid a confrontation. Despite this, the monster catches up with Elizabeth and kills her. At this point, Victor’s father, who has lost many people as well is unable to overcome his grief and dies shortly after the death of Elizabeth. Having lost his wife, his brother, his sister, his father and also his friend to the monster, he vows that it is time to exact revenge. Victor’s father, who was his source of comfort, is now dead, and so are his advices and encouragement. The hunter becomes the hunted as he runs from Victor, who is now murderous after losing his family and friends to the monster. Victor has not undergone a complete metamorphosis and turned into a monster. With no family, friends or siblings, Victor is now as lonely as the monster. The grief, anger, pain and remorse have now exhausted his feeling and behavior of a human being. At one point he almost gets to him but the monster is saved by the sea as the ice cracks and separates them with a gap. At this point, Victor is found by the captain Walton, as he travels through the ice and is almost dead of cold. This story, as the writer intends, enables the reader to have multiple interpretations of the actions of Victor. With these, the reader can decide either to think that Victor was a mad scientist, who crossed human boundaries without concern or an adventurer who lack responsibility of his actions. Either way, the reader can related to the process of Victor turning into his own creation. When Walton meets Victor, he is weak and almost dead of cold for travelling many days in the ice. Unlike the monster, he is human and unable to endure the cold. Walton tries his best to nurse Victor but later he succumbs to death. Walton, having heard the stories of the monster’s cruel acts is astonished to find him weeping over Victor’s body. He tells Walton that now that Victor is dead, he has no one else in this world. He recounts is suffering, remorse, solitude and hatred and concludes that he can now die as his creator has. At this point, he departs to the northernmost cold region to die. It is at this point that the reader finally experiences the solitude of the creature. The creature is Victor’s creation, gathered from old body parts and weird chemicals, energized by a puzzling flash. He enters life as a grown up and immensely strong yet with the psyche of an infant. Relinquished by his maker and befuddled, he tries to bond himself into society, just to be disregarded by everyone. Looking in the mirror, he understands his physical bizarreness, a part of his being that blinds world to his delicate, innocent nature. He mentions that; â€Å"‘When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me. Was I, the, a monster, a blot upon the earth from which all men fled and whom all men disowned?'† (Shelley and Maurice 105 Looking for reprisal on his maker, he executes Victor’s youthful sibling. After Victor wrecks his work on the female beast intended to facilitate the creature’s acceptance to the society, the beast murders Victor’s closest companion and afterward his wife Elizabeth. While Victor feels great disdain for his creation, the beast demonstrates that he is not a malicious being. The creature’s articulate portrayal of occasions (as given by Victor) uncovers his surprising affection and kindheartedness. He helps a gathering of poor laborers and saves a young lady from drowning, but since of his outward appearance, he is remunerated just with beatings and disdain; torn in the middle of vindictiveness and empathy, the beast winds up forlorn and tormented by regret. Indeed the demise of his inventor turned-would-be-destroyer offers just ambivalent alleviation: delight on the grounds that Victor has created him so much enduring, trouble on the grounds that Victor is the main individual with whom he has had any kind of relationship. Conclusion                   In conclusion, the characters of Victor and his father are different from that of the monster, which has no family and friends. The only person who understood his existence, his creator Victor turned his back on him after he created him. Victor realized that his actions were immoral and that he was not supposed to create a monster. The plot develops the character of both Victor and his father to align with that of the monster. With time, the monster ruins the life of Victor just as his suspected by killing his family and best friend. In the end, Victor is filled with hate, remorse and anger just like the monster and dies a bitter man. References Coats, Karen. â€Å"Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.† Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books: 113-14. Print. Janowitz, Anne F., and William Veeder. â€Å"Mary Shelley and Frankenstein: The Fate of Androgyny.† The Modern Language Review: 938. Print. Levine, George. â€Å"Mary Shelley: Collected Tales and Stories. Charles E. Robinson Mary Shelley’s Monster: The Story of â€Å"Frankenstein.† Martin Tropp.† Nineteenth-Century Fiction: 486-91. Print. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Maurice Hindle. Frankenstein, Or, The Modern Prometheus. Rev. ed. London: Penguin, 2003. Print. â€Å"The Other Mary Shelley: Beyond Frankenstein.† Choice Reviews Online (1994): 31-36. Print. Vargo, Lisa. â€Å"Mary Shelley Studies: From â€Å"Author of Frankenstein† To â€Å"the Great Work Of Life†Ã¢â‚¬  Literature Compass: 417-28. Print. Woolley, Rachel. â€Å"Syndy M. Conger, Frederick S. Frank, and Gregory O’Dea, Eds., Iconoclastic Departures: Mary Shelley After ‘Frankenstein’ – Essays in Honor of the Bicentenary of Mary Shelley’s Birth. Madison and London: Associated University Presses, 1997. ISBN: 0-8386-36.† Romanticism on the Net. Print. Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Marvell Coy Mistress

At first glance, Andrew Marvel's poem "To His Coy Mistress" is a fairly typical carpe diem poem, in which the speaker tells his beloved that they should "seize the day" and have sex now instead of waiting until they are married.. Marvell, however, isn't suggesting that unbridled lust is preferable to moral or ethical restraint; sex is the subject matter, not the theme of the poem. Marvell's actual point here is that instead of dividing our lives or our values into mathematically neat but artificial categories of present and future, we should savor the unique experiences of each present moment; to convey this theme, the poet uses irregularities of rhyme, rhythm, and meter to undermine the mathematically neat but artificial patterns of the poem. This is also an extremely interesting and enticing poem about love. Love is perhaps the most clichà ©d topic of poetry, but Marvell does an excellent job of making his thoughts unique and original. The poem divides up into three main parts! , each with a slightly different tone/main idea. The emotion and passion conveyed is ambiguous, and the overall tone is closer to melancholy than joy. He praises and plans, but the overarching reminder is of the temporality of our lives. The final part of the poem represents how the author and his mistress plan to spend this fleeting time and is the most interesting philosophical presentation of the poem. The poem contains many lines, which deal with seemingly happy and hopeful ideas, but several lines placed at intervals throughout the poem crush any chance of a joyful light pervading the poem. The mood of the poem is set with the very first couplet: Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime The first line is really the key. It will set the stage for the rest of the poem, no matter what the subsequent lines have to say. Marvell quickly establishes a mood of pessimistic realization of reality. In his apostrophe he states that his m... Free Essays on Marvell Coy Mistress Free Essays on Marvell Coy Mistress At first glance, Andrew Marvel's poem "To His Coy Mistress" is a fairly typical carpe diem poem, in which the speaker tells his beloved that they should "seize the day" and have sex now instead of waiting until they are married.. Marvell, however, isn't suggesting that unbridled lust is preferable to moral or ethical restraint; sex is the subject matter, not the theme of the poem. Marvell's actual point here is that instead of dividing our lives or our values into mathematically neat but artificial categories of present and future, we should savor the unique experiences of each present moment; to convey this theme, the poet uses irregularities of rhyme, rhythm, and meter to undermine the mathematically neat but artificial patterns of the poem. This is also an extremely interesting and enticing poem about love. Love is perhaps the most clichà ©d topic of poetry, but Marvell does an excellent job of making his thoughts unique and original. The poem divides up into three main parts! , each with a slightly different tone/main idea. The emotion and passion conveyed is ambiguous, and the overall tone is closer to melancholy than joy. He praises and plans, but the overarching reminder is of the temporality of our lives. The final part of the poem represents how the author and his mistress plan to spend this fleeting time and is the most interesting philosophical presentation of the poem. The poem contains many lines, which deal with seemingly happy and hopeful ideas, but several lines placed at intervals throughout the poem crush any chance of a joyful light pervading the poem. The mood of the poem is set with the very first couplet: Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime The first line is really the key. It will set the stage for the rest of the poem, no matter what the subsequent lines have to say. Marvell quickly establishes a mood of pessimistic realization of reality. In his apostrophe he states that his m...